NGC 672, IC 1727 and a Bunch of PGC’s (LRGB)

Like M31 in Andromeda, M33 gets most of the attention in Triangulum. It’s for a great reason, It’s big and lots of detail is visible, but there are other deep sky objects lurking in this small constellation.

The subject of this image is NGC 672 (just below the center) and IC 1727 (above it and to the left). There are also a bunch of very distant galaxies from the PGC catalog in the frame.

NGC 672 and IC 1727 are gravitationally interacting and IC 1727 is the smaller and more distorted by the interaction. NGC 672 is a barred spiral galaxy about 23.4 million light years away and IC 1727 also appears to be a barred spiral but I could be wrong about that. Its distance is probably similar to NGC 672’s but I couldn’t find info on that. The PGC’s are much, much further away. Again, I don’t have any data on how far but probably at least 100 million light years would be my guess (and it really is nothing more than a not very educated guess just based on relative sizes).

This is 31h 30m of LRGB data. You can find the technical details on astrobin.

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